Avoid diabetic foot ulcers

Siren Care is a comprehensive solution for the management of diabetic foot and other foot complications.

Schedule a visit with a Certified Siren Provider today to get started with Siren Socks.

Get started

Why Siren Socks

Siren Socks send information to a licensed nurse and your doctor to help you find potential injuries you may not feel. This may help reduce the risk of diabetic foot ulcers and other foot complications.

Siren Socks are covered by many insurances, including Medicare.

The first step in getting started with Siren Socks is scheduling a visit with a Certified Siren Provider, who will review how Siren Socks could work for you.

Help avoid diabetic foot ulcers

Diabetic Neuropathy & Foot Ulcers

When you lose the ability to feel pain due to nerve damage, a small injury can go unnoticed, become an ulcer, gangrene and ultimately amputation.

Continuous Monitoring

Siren Socks monitor foot temperature, providing a licensed nurse and your doctor with information that can help them identify signs of potential injury.

Proven Science

Temperature monitoring has been shown to reduce the number of diabetic foot ulcers by up to 87.5%.1

How it works

Get an Rx for Siren Socks

A Certified Siren Provider determines if you qualify for Siren Socks and writes you a prescription.

Receive your socks in the mail

Your Siren Socks are mailed to your doorstep once they are prescribed.

Start wearing your socks

Plug in the hub, and put on the socks. That’s it!

No smartphone
your feet

Our Patient Stories

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