
Staying Active Through Charcot Recovery

Here are four tips for keeping your body active while recovering from Charcot foot.

Physical activity is important for your health, but if you are managing complications from your diabetes, getting the exercise your body needs may become challenging. Here are four tips for keeping your body active while recovering from Charcot foot.

Charcot foot is a debilitating complication of diabetes that can severely impact your ability to walk and perform day-to-day tasks. In the early stages of Charcot treatment, your doctor may require that you keep weight off of your affected foot for up to three months. This allows your foot time to heal and prevents further injury. While this is a necessary step in the healing process, your body might become deconditioned from a lack of physical activity.

Some people find it difficult to get back to their normal routine once they are able to walk on their foot after months of rest and healing. The key to successful Charcot recovery is to be patient and to slowly ease your body back into a gentle exercise routine.

Here are four tips to help you get back on your feet after being diagnosed and treated for Charcot foot.

#1 Listen to Your Doctor

If your doctor has told you to keep weight off of your foot and to wear a cast or air boot, it is in your best interest to follow these instructions. The fastest route to Charcot recovery is to allow your foot to properly heal, which may require specialized footwear and mobility restrictions for several months.

Resting your foot gives the bones and muscles a chance to heal and reduces the risk of another injury. If you do not follow your doctor's orders, your foot will take longer to heal and you could end up with even more severe complications.

Your recovery will be faster in the long run if you follow all of your doctor’s orders and give your foot ample time to heal. Always talk with your doctor before you begin a new exercise routine.

#2 Do What You Can

Even though you might not be able to walk during the early stages of your Charcot treatment, there are still other ways you can keep your body moving and in shape.

Seated exercise is a great option for people who are unable to stand, walk, or run. These movements can strengthen any part of your body, including your arms, legs, heart, and lungs.

Some examples of seated exercises are:

#3 Use a CROW Boot

If your doctor has told you that you can begin walking on your affected foot, you will likely need to wear a special walking device known as a CROW boot. These orthotic boots are custom fitted for your foot and allow you to safely walk without the risk of causing additional damage to your foot.

Most doctors will recommend wearing the CROW boot whenever you are putting weight on the foot, especially in the early stages of healing when your foot is at a higher risk for reinjury. It is important to wear your CROW boot exactly as your doctor orders.

#4 Start Small

Recovering from Charcot foot is a long process due to poor blood circulation in the ankles and feet of people with diabetes. It might take an additional few months to regain the strength you lost in the early stages of your recovery, but a slow and steady routine will get you back on your feet safely.

Starting with small, unweighted body movement for just a few minutes each day will begin to prime your body for longer workouts in the future. As you begin to regain strength, you can increase the duration, frequency, and intensity of your workouts.

Walking, yoga or tai chi, and water aerobics are fun and gentle activities that get your body moving but put very little strain on your feet. Many community centers offer a variety of fitness classes for people with mobility limitations, so you can get your daily exercise and meet new people within your community.

Regardless of where you are in your recovery, always listen to your body, and stop if anything feels unusually painful or strenuous. Make sure you are wearing a protective boot or shoe whenever you are walking to prevent reinjuring your foot.

About Siren

Siren is a care management company that uses novel medical devices to improve patient outcomes. The company developed the first of its kind microsensor-embedded textile to enable a new type of medical devices. These devices integrate seamlessly into users' everyday lives and allow patients and doctors to make more timely treatment decisions. Siren Socks, the company's first commercialized product, is an FDA-registered temperature monitoring sock for the early detection of inflammation that leads to foot ulcers in people with diabetes.

About Siren Socks

Siren Socks are smart socks that help detect potential issues with your feet. Siren Socks are an FDA-registered Class I medical device and are designed for people living with diabetes and neuropathy. The socks measure your foot temperature. Temperature monitoring has been shown to help reduce the number of diabetic foot ulcers in multiple clinical studies over the past 20 years and is considered the gold standard in diabetic foot care. The information from the socks is monitored by licensed nurses who contact you regularly to check on your health and the status of your feet. Your doctor reviews any issues that arise and determine if a clinic visit is necessary. Siren Socks are covered by Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and many private insurance plans. Interested patients can find a Certified Siren Provider near them and begin the enrollment process by clickinghere.

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